gan·try (gan′trē) noun
- (RocketTheme) A framework used for assembling, building and maintaining a RocketTheme template
Extensive Gantry Documentation
Key Features
Gantry has a plethora of features, below is just a brief list:
- 960 Grid System
- Stunning Administrator interface
- XML driven and with overrides for unprecedented levels of customization
- Per-menu-item level control over any configuration parameter
- Preset any combination of configuration parameters, and save custom presets
- 65 base module positions. Easily add more!
- 36 possible layout combinations for mainbody and sidebars
- Up to 3 sidebars for a total of 4 column layouts
- Many built-in features such as font-sizer, to-top smooth slider, IE6 warning message, etc.
- Flexible grid layout system for unparalleled control over block sizes
- iPhone Native Version, a mobile specific version / theme
- Google Web Fonts, load custom fonts from Googles's Font Directory
- Smart Loading, only load the images that are in focus for optimized loading
More Features
Installing / Updating Gantry
For Zephyr, you should install the Zephyr Template (Bundle) package, rt_zephyr_j15-bundle.tar.gz, which includes both the template and Gantry. Use the standalone package if Gantry is already installed. However, in the event of Gantry needing to be installed, see the instructions below:
Installation Instructions
Overview of the Administrator Interface
The Gantry administrator is a very extensive interface for controlling allow aspects of the Framework, and is split into several parts:
- Per-Menu Item Configuration
- Presets
- Settings
- Features
- Layouts
- Advanced
The best way to discover all the options available, as well as what they do, is to visit the administrator itself at Extensions → Template Manager → rt_zephyr_j15
Gantry Administrator Documentation