Суббота, Март 01, 2025

gan·try (gan′trē) noun

  1. (RocketTheme) A framework used for assembling, building and maintaining a RocketTheme template

Extensive Gantry Documentation

Key Features

Gantry has a plethora of features, below is just a brief list:

  • 960 Grid System
  • Stunning Administrator interface
  • XML driven and with overrides for unprecedented levels of customization
  • Per-menu-item level control over any configuration parameter
  • Preset any combination of configuration parameters, and save custom presets
  • 65 base module positions. Easily add more!
  • 36 possible layout combinations for mainbody and sidebars
  • Up to 3 sidebars for a total of 4 column layouts
  • Many built-in features such as font-sizer, to-top smooth slider, IE6 warning message, etc.
  • Flexible grid layout system for unparalleled control over block sizes
  • iPhone Native Version, a mobile specific version / theme
  • Google Web Fonts, load custom fonts from Googles's Font Directory
  • Smart Loading, only load the images that are in focus for optimized loading

More Features

Installing / Updating Gantry

For Zephyr, you should install the Zephyr Template (Bundle) package, rt_zephyr_j15-bundle.tar.gz, which includes both the template and Gantry. Use the standalone package if Gantry is already installed. However, in the event of Gantry needing to be installed, see the instructions below:

Installation Instructions

Overview of the Administrator Interface

The Gantry administrator is a very extensive interface for controlling allow aspects of the Framework, and is split into several parts:

  • Per-Menu Item Configuration
  • Presets
  • Settings
  • Features
  • Layouts
  • Advanced
The best way to discover all the options available, as well as what they do, is to visit the administrator itself at Extensions → Template Manager → rt_zephyr_j15

Gantry Administrator Documentation

This is the Popup Module feature. Assign any module to the popup module position, and ensure that the Popup Feature is enabled in the Gantry Administrator.

You can configure its height and width from the Gantry Administrator.

More Information