Суббота, Март 01, 2025

Module Variations allow you to individually style a module Enter any available suffixes at Extensions → Module Manager → Module → Module Class Suffix

There are 24 suffixes: title1-6, box1-12; flush, flushtop, flushbottom; plus standardcase, uppercasefa and lowercase.

Note: You can compound multiple suffixes together such as "title2 standardcase flushbottom".
  • Title: 6 suffixes that vary the appearance of the module title.
  • Standard/Upper/Lower Case: change the case style of the module title.
  • Box: 12 variations to change the background of the module.
  • Flush/FlusTop/FlushBottom: removes the margin/padding around the module surround.
Note: There are 72 possible stylistic module variations, combining the title and box suffixes such as box1 title1

This is the Popup Module feature. Assign any module to the popup module position, and ensure that the Popup Feature is enabled in the Gantry Administrator.

You can configure its height and width from the Gantry Administrator.

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